Direct Food Distribution

The Food + You program provides flexible options for direct food distribution at schools. Food is delivered on a monthly basis and schools can select one or two distribution methods that will best serve their student body. If you have an idea for distributing food besides the two options below, please let us know. We would be happy to work with you to develop a system that works well for your school.

On-Site Food Shelf

Schools receive the food delivery from Second Harvest Heartland and stock a designated space at the school (such as a closet, office, or classroom) with the product. Schools can then determine a schedule for when the food shelf will be open for families to shop and select the products. Food items can also be sent home with students or pre-bagged by volunteers for rapid distribution.

Family Food Boxes

Schools receive pre-packed boxes of nutritious, non-perishable food (approx. 15 pounds) to distribute to families. The boxes can be distributed at a pre-planned school event to incentivize participation, or throughout the month whenever a parent comes to the school.

Produce Opt-In

Schools receive the option to opt-in to case count produce, Walmart produce and/or additional perishable and nonperishable items. The case count produce includes cases of seasonal and local produce. The Walmart produce includes a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit. Other additional opt-in items include potatoes, onions, UHT milk, bread, and granola bars. This distribution model works well to provide fresh, nutritious staples to schools providing choices for families and schools alike.

Learn more about Case Count Produce

What Distribution is Right for You?

Learn more about what distribution is right for you with the Direct Food Distribution Comparison Chart.